A special meeting will be held Saturday, Dec 1 at 8 am  the agenda is as follows:


8:00 AM                     Aurora Board of Education Office                                          102 East Garfield Road
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:
Mrs. Mehallis ___ Mr. Kohanski ___ Mrs. Morrison __ Mr. Sloe ___  Mrs. Kuch ____

Acknowledgment of Visitors

Hearing of Public (15 minutes) Agenda Items*

A.   Work Session
1. To Discuss Levy Options
2. To Discuss Community Meeting

B.   Meeting Open to Public

*Although normally there is adequate time for citizens to express themselves at a Board meeting, if several people wish to speak, each person will be allotted three minutes until the total time is used.  Each person addressing the Board is asked to give his/her name and address.

2 Comments on School Board to Meet Dec 1

  1. Silence Dogood says:

    It is good to see the school board working overtime on budget cuts and new levy strategies. Well I’m assuming they are looking at new levy strategies because #2 on the agenda is to discuss levy options. Hopefully one option would be splitting the levy into a minimum of two levies as has been discussed by this writer and many others on the Olive public forum. There is simple logic behind two separate levies – something that has been discussed ad nauseam, but something that this writer believes the school board members should give some very serious consideration.

    Something else that needs serious consideration by the board and the superintendent is that everything is on the table; there are no sacred cows, no favored programs and no exemptions. This is an extremely important point to keep in mind while searching for solutions. It has been noted on the Aurora Schools Website, in a message presumably from the superintendent (http://www.aurora-schools.org/.....?artID=654), that amongst the items for future consideration by school board members is, “Higher fees for AP and IB or the elimination of the IB Program.” It is not necessarily the opinion of this writer, one way or another, concerning the quoted item as much as it is a worry about giving serious consideration to cutting a program after the board president has anointed it as, “The crown jewel.” Emotional attachment only gets in the way when hard decisions need to be made.

    It should go without saying that budget cuts first need to come from as many nonacademic areas as possible before dipping into the academics. Then if academic cuts need to be made, high cost programs serving low numbers of students should be top of the list – and programs serving the academically advanced should be sacrificed before those serving the academically disadvantaged. Which brings this writer to charging for summer school. While some students use it as a means to get a leg up on their academics, more often it is employed as a means to help students who are struggling academically. Schools don’t have to provide summer school but many do out of concern over the students who need an extra boost. However a surcharge on summer school might adversely affect those who need it most.

    There is no doubt in this writer’s mind, as in the minds of others, that finding areas to cut will be difficult at best. Often these types of situations result in organizations cutting the fat and running a little more lean and effective. The trick, in an education institution, is doing it while maintaining the integrity of learning.

  2. Howard Beale says:

    I, too, attended the meeting and agree with Working Women. There were lots of excellent questions posed to the Board but I seriously doubt they were listening. I think the cafeteria style approach with the levy would be in the best interest of the district. The voters said no and they would be smart to rethink what they ask for in March. If they come back with the same items – it will go down bigger. Many people are angry that AP and IB students are getting hit with having to pay for their tests while athletics gets off untouched. I know there is discussion of pay to play if the levy goes down again – but right now, it appears athletics is what is important. I loved the fact that the student who asked the question regarding this brought to everyone’s attention that the Gold Medal Winner district, Chagrin Falls, does have pay to play.

    I was struck by how many people walked away from the meeting with the feeling if the Board doesn’t modify what they request – they will not support it.

    And regarding the cost for broadcasting the meetings – I agree that meeting days should be changed or utilize the equipment that the school already has that is used by the broadcasting classes. This is an issue that must be looked at. It is brought up over and over and it would be in the best interest of the Board to address.

    I’m curious as to why cuts are being made right now? The budget they are operating under started in July (I am assuming), so why the emergency? I can see making the cuts for the next school year’s budget but why now? Why weren’t the voters informed that we were not going to be able to make payroll (it will have to be borrowed) or do other items if the levy wasn’t passed? This really appears to be irresponsible on the party of the Board.

    It will be interesting to see what the decision of the Board’s is on December 12th when the vote on what to do. I certainly hope they listened to the citizens.