There is debate at the council meetings about the fate of the “Chesney” house. You can find more information obout that building here. But did you know that the city owns several other houses and buildings? There is the former Ray Harmon farmhouse and barns on Bartlett Road, these buildings are currently unoccupied. The Margaret Harmon House is nearby, it houses an office for parks employees and is used for storage. At the corner of E. Mennonite Rds and Page Road is what has been know as the Miller Farm, the house is rented to a city employee and the barns are in need of maintenance. On E. Pioneer Trail, east of Page road, is a house currently rented to a city employee. The former Tramont house was rented to a city employee when first purchased 6 years ago. The renter left and the house sat unoccupied and unheated for several years before it was torn down. Someday the city will own buildings and a home on Townline Rd too.

What is to be the fate of these other buildings? How about a maintenance plan for city buildings. What do you think should be done.