As taxpayers, we and several other families in our area have been proud to let friends and relatives know what a lovely community we have in Aurora.However, to dwellers in the Lakes of Aurora and especially those who use Cochran Road, it has become an embarrassment to have visitors see the mass of rubbish and dead trees, and deplorable condition of the road.

It’s crumbling and in places is so pitted there is hardly room for two cars to pass. Potholes are damaging vehicles. Cochran is no longer the back road it was in former days.

The large number of homes and condos built now use it as their main connection to Route 82. Patches are no longer viable because of the heavy amount of traffic.

While it is nice to discuss clocktowers, flower gardens and sidewalks that go nowhere for the next 20 years, it seems our priorities should be to maintain what we already have.

While the city spends tax dollars working on private roads and paving some streets for a second or third time, Cochran gets pushed to the back of the to-do list year after year.

I know many taxpayers believed when the road levy passed several years ago Cochran would be one of the first roads done. But every year, we’re told it’s too expensive.

The job will not be less expensive next year or the year after. If it had been done when promised, it probably would’ve cost a fraction of what it will now.

We urge taxpayers with similar concerns to contact Council reps and the administration or attend the April 28 Council meeting at 7 p.m. to express concerns directly.

It’s not only a matter of looks, but a serious matter of safety.

Pete and Terry Gugliotta, Aurora

4 Comments on Residents seeking Cochran Rd. fixup

  1. GL guy says:

    Good! pave the road then everyone can go 50 mph on it too!

    That area is kinda the Bermuda Triangle of Aurora.

    Really, Cochran Rd should have been continued North thru to Aurora Lake Rd. and on to Rt 43. It would have relieved traffic and would have made city access much better. But that would have involved planning and good city management years ago.

  2. DuvalCrawler says:

    When will people stop looking to the government to solve their problems?

  3. olive says:

    I would agree with the advice from Mr. Trew at the city council meeting. Get a group together and go out and clean up the area yourself! THere have been several community clean-ups in town. The service department will supply orange vests and pick up sticks, safety cones and the collect the garbage that is bagged.

    Put out some signs, call the boys scouts or girl scouts and plan a clean -up. Take the initiative, be proactive. The group could even sow some sunflower seeds or wildflowers along the road.

    You can’t pave the road but youcan improve the looks of the roadway!

  4. longtime resident says:

    The only thing I want to comment on is the “dead trees”. Those are on private property and the city cannot do anything about those. You’d have to appeal to the property owners. However, if you have any interest in nature, dead trees are needed by wildlife. Your eyesore is something’s home.