(Originally written in May of 2009 and never published)

Just so you know.

The blog is not and has never been part of a conspiracy to cover up the dirt in Aurora.  I just put myself in the place of other people, and try to keep the blog out of the gutter, try to make it a way to communicate and help residents get answers and news.

When i heard about the Saturday school party, i checked the blog as i have not been moderating the comments.

I saw comments. I deleted them. I deleted them with out any communication with anyone. I did it on my own accord.

I deleted them because they are about kids. I haven’t printed the name of other kids either.
From what i know the school didn’t give the anyone special treatment. They were the ones who called the police. If the school administrators had looked the other way, then that would be news.

There is a lot of stuff that i don’t post, some real inflammatory stuff.  People carry grudges, people lie, especially when they are anonymous and protected.  People love to throw dirt and see people fail.  Seems that blogs are lot more fun and numerous when there is someone to hurt.