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9 Comments on Welcome to the Aurora Ohio Blog

  1. agreenman says:

    feel free to add comments on any subject…

    recent elections?

  2. Anonymous says:

    like what?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I would like to ask if you could put something on your sight about the Moebius Nature Center. If you need more information you can check out their web site. Moebiusnaturecenter.org
    They need about $20K in donations by June 1st 2005,to start phase one of construction. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  4. Anonymous says:

    the moebius nature center is open http://www.moebiusnaturecenter.org

  5. Lisa Anzellotti says:

    Any Subject? Even if it is about local city governmental official and its departments? Or is that crossing the line?

  6. hawthorn resident says:

    What’s up with Vito’s this week?

  7. Anonymous says:

    August 10, 2007

    RE: Aug. 9, 2007 Architectural Board Meeting

    Dear Councilman,

    I was at the meeting last night. These men should be ashamed the way a city resident was treated. His name is Richard Palcisko, it is my understanding that he purchased a home that had been vacant for a few years. He applied for a building permit to build a barn. His plans were approved, then he made some changes. Well he was told by one of the board members that he was lowering the property value and neighbors were complaining . In 21 years as a tax payer, I have never seen my property taxes go down when I applied for permits. Then tell him they will allow him to make his changes if he agrees to plant pine trees. How can the board make some one plant trees? Some neighbors are have issues about the barn, (which none of them were at the meeting to address their concerns) or at least no one was asked to step forward if their was a problem with his barn.

    Also, their was issues with the Marc’s store, as well as Waldens signs. I didn’t realize that the board had anything to do with permits about signs.

    Going to a meeting like this it made me want to walk out and say forget the garage. If I had walked out no extra money for a building permit and my taxes would stay the same. Is this the message that you want potential new residences and city residence to think like? What about companies are estimates going to increase because they have to keep coming back to these meeting with revised plans. You can seen the waste of time for all involved.

    All additions, new construction anything to do with a permit means more city tax dollars!!! Property values go up not down. Wake up that board and find out what they are thinking. I encourage you all to listen to the minutes. What an embarrassment to this city.


    Kathryn Dowd Owner

  8. Aurora_High_School_Student says:

    as a student of AHS the levy failing directly affects me, as well as everyone in Aurora. I bet everyone didn’t know that now students can’t participate in clubs, many extracurricular activities including the middle school fall and spring plays. There will be no more AP and IB programs available to better our chances at college. Just the general aspect of high school has been changed for us. In the spring please vote for the levy to pass! thanks

  9. Tim says:

    Our annual auction will take place on June 19, beginning at 10 a.m. Handmade quilts, handcrafted wood items, baked goods, chicken BBQ. Books. Come out and make a day of it!
    Aurora Mennonite is located on the corner of Mennonite Rd and route 43.